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Category Archives: Nursing License


Nurse’s License Suspended After Animal Abuse Conviction

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

A person’s actions outside of the workplace can sometimes affect their job. For example, professional drivers who get DUIs on their personal time may get fired from their jobs. Abusing a person or animal can be a major offense for someone who works in the medical field. Ethics is a key issue in the… Read More »


Importance Of Ethics In Nursing

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Nurses are an important part of the healthcare industry. Sure, doctors have the knowledge and skills to diagnose diseases and create treatment plans, but nurses are the ones who provide the day-to-day care. Nurses are also the ones who may be required to make decisions beneficial to the patient. As such, nurses often come… Read More »


Nurse’s License Suspended For Ketamine Overdosing

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Healthcare workers tend to be minimalistic when it comes to prescribing medications because an overdose of certain drugs can lead to serious side effects and even fatality. A nurse in Arizona was just the opposite, giving patients ketamine as a sedative. The nurse also did not monitor the patients after they received the dosage…. Read More »


Nursing Assistant’s License Suspended For Neglect

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Patients who are in nursing homes need constant care. They need food, water, medications, and medical treatment. When a person does not get any of these necessities from their caregiver, they can suffer serious medical conditions and even die. This was the case in Washington. One person died and another was hospitalized due to… Read More »


How Nurses Can Reduce Unnecessary Medical Care

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

There are many cases in which doctors engage in substandard care. They may not do enough to properly diagnose a patient, causing them to suffer from a worsened condition, injuries, or even death. Because of this, some doctors go a little too far with medical care. They may order tests or write prescriptions that… Read More »


Sexual Harassment In Nursing: What Medical Professionals Need To Know

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

The work environment is supposed to be a professional place, but that is not always the case. A lot of stuff happens in the workplace. Sure, nurses take care of patients, but they also instigate or fall victim to a lot of harassment as well. Harassment can happen in a lot of ways in… Read More »


Nurse’s License Suspended For Writing Phone Number On Patient’s Thigh, Other Misconduct

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

When people are seriously ill or injured, they go to an urgent care center or emergency room so they can receive prompt treatment. They typically don’t want to be inappropriately touched by medical staff. This puts both people in uncomfortable positions and can even result in license loss and other penalties. This is what… Read More »


Can Nurses Have Sexual Relationships With Patients?

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Men often fantasize about having a good-looking nurse take care of them — and not just their injuries and health woes. Some have sexual fantasies as well, but for the most part, these fantasies have to remain just that — a fantasy. Acting out on these feelings can result in serious repercussions for nurses…. Read More »


Nurse Wants License Back After Being Cleared Of Assault

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

It’s always good when someone gets justice served on them. Maybe they harmed someone and they got rightfully punished for it. On the flip side, though, sometimes people are wrongfully accused of a crime. They are treated as a scapegoat in an office or other work environment. As a result, they may get their… Read More »


Nurse Licensing Scheme In Florida Results In Fraud Charges

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

 When a person wants to become a licensed nurse in Florida, they have to follow certain procedures, such as submit an application and pay a fee. This requires the proper education as well, such as a bachelor’s degree in nursing. There are no shortcuts to licensure. However, a recent scheme in Florida defrauded aspiring… Read More »