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Category Archives: Professional Engineers Licensing


Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion In Engineering

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Professional engineering is not just about creating buildings, bridges, and other structures. The field is also about fairness and equity. It’s about being inclusive. It’s about being ethical. In the United States, companies are focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives to avoid discrimination and bias. The engineering field has been no exception…. Read More »


Moral Dilemma: Ethics Not Often Taught To Professional Engineers

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

College engineering classes tend to teach a lot about the technical aspects of being an engineer, which is great. Professional engineers need to have the skills to create safe structures, such as bridges, roads, and homes. However, there is more to being a professional engineer than just learning skills and computer software. School needs… Read More »


Why Are Ethics So Important For Professional Engineers?

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

The buildings you enter, the roads you drive on, and the bridges you cross were all created by engineers. Even if you are familiar with all the software involved and the necessary processes, engineering is not easy. That’s because professional engineers need to be ethical in everything they do. After all, their designs affect… Read More »


Professional Engineering And Ethical Issues

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

We always need professional engineers. They play a crucial role in society by designing, constructing, and maintaining the infrastructure that supports modern life. Their importance lies in several key areas, including infrastructure development, safety and stability, and environmental sustainability. Professional engineers have a huge job to do. They also have to be wary of… Read More »


Technologies In Civil Engineering

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

The rise of technology can be seen in almost all industries, from content creation to automated vehicles to construction. The civil engineering field is seeing new developments. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most well-known ones, but cloud-based collaboration solutions, robots, and wearable tech are also making their way into the field. These… Read More »


What Does It Mean For Professional Engineers To Act Ethically?

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Over the past few years, there has been much concern about ethics. It may seem as though the world is becoming more and more unethical by the day. The world and its population is suffering due to climate change, technological advances, and other issues that have been created by a lack of responsibility and… Read More »


Why Ethics Are Important In Engineering

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Professional engineers do not simply create things. Engineering comes with a lot of responsibility. The decisions engineers make come with consequences. They could even cause harm to the public. That’s why professional engineers need to meet high standards. They must also follow engineering ethics. Ethics are principles and guidelines that engineers must follow when… Read More »


Ethical Thinking For Students, Engineers, And Other Professions

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Schools need to be teaching children more than just reading, writing, and arithmetic. While these three skills are no doubt useful in everyday adult life, there’s a lot more that school kids need to know to succeed in today’s society and make the world a better place. One of these things is ethics. Teachers… Read More »


Ethics In An Engineering Workplace

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

When people think of unethical behavior in the professional engineering field, they may imagine engineers engaging in dishonesty and claiming that streets, bridges, and other structures are safe for use when they’re really not. They’re not keeping the health and safety of the public in mind. But unethical behavior can start before an object… Read More »


How Corporate Culture Drives Ethics

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

When it comes to doing the right thing, it’s not always easy. Some jobs place a priority over the safety of others, such as doctors, dentists, and even professional engineers. Morality, however, does not always play a role in a company’s bottom line. Indeed, the motto “profits over people” is often true. So when… Read More »