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Why Are Ethics So Important For Professional Engineers?

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

The buildings you enter, the roads you drive on, and the bridges you cross were all created by engineers. Even if you are familiar with all the software involved and the necessary processes, engineering is not easy. That’s because professional engineers need to be ethical in everything they do. After all, their designs affect… Read More »


Ethical Issues In Physical Therapy

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Physical therapists are medical professionals who help those impacted by diseases, injuries, and mobility issues. They help patients improve their quality of life by restoring movement and function. Physical therapists often have to have physical contact with patients to help them regain mobility. Because of this, they may encounter ethical issues in their practice… Read More »


ChatGPT For CPAs And Other Tax Professionals

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

ChatGPT has immersed itself into the daily lives and work duties of many Americans since its introduction in November 2022. More than a year later, many industries are trying to determine how to best use this form of artificial intelligence to maximize time and money savings. A series of surveys of tax professionals in… Read More »


Dealing With Buyer’s Agents And Compensation

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

In the real estate world, there are confusing compensation models. For example, when selling a home, an agent can expect to receive 3-6% of the selling price of the home. When it comes to buyer’s agents, there can be confusion about expected compensation and a recent court case challenged whether there should be compensation… Read More »


Professional Engineering And Ethical Issues

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

We always need professional engineers. They play a crucial role in society by designing, constructing, and maintaining the infrastructure that supports modern life. Their importance lies in several key areas, including infrastructure development, safety and stability, and environmental sustainability. Professional engineers have a huge job to do. They also have to be wary of… Read More »


Lost In Translation: When Real Estate Clients Don’t Speak English

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

As a real estate agent, you want clients that you can communicate with effectively. However, America is a melting pot. We have all ethnicities living here, and they may speak languages other than English. So how do you communicate with someone who speaks Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, Arabic, or some other language? It can… Read More »


Nurse’s License Suspended For Ketamine Overdosing

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Healthcare workers tend to be minimalistic when it comes to prescribing medications because an overdose of certain drugs can lead to serious side effects and even fatality. A nurse in Arizona was just the opposite, giving patients ketamine as a sedative. The nurse also did not monitor the patients after they received the dosage…. Read More »


Legal Concerns Among Veterinarians

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Medical professionals have a tough job. Even veterinarians, who deal with animals, have it rough. They not only have to take care of their furry and feathered clients, but also deal with their client’s owners, which can sometimes be an even harder task. In fact, there is increasing concern within the veterinary medical community… Read More »


AI And Its Role In Architecture

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken over the world by storm in just the past year. ChatGPT has revolutionized how we create content, solve problems, and tackle everyday issues. There are other types of AI, such as machines and memory-based models, that have been helpful in various industries. So how has AI changed the field… Read More »


Technologies In Civil Engineering

By David P. Rankin, P.A. |

The rise of technology can be seen in almost all industries, from content creation to automated vehicles to construction. The civil engineering field is seeing new developments. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most well-known ones, but cloud-based collaboration solutions, robots, and wearable tech are also making their way into the field. These… Read More »